Thursday, 29 November 2012

Mason Jar Lights up Felt !

Yet again it's been a while since I've posted.
I just wanted to share this little treasure I found in time for Christmas.
I was replacing damaged jars in the pantry and found a company selling Mason Jars online.
Not only was I able to stock up on jars for storage
but also for display.

You could purchase a mason jar of choice
and also this screw top solar light lid which lights up the contents of the jar.
I love the idea and the possibilities are endless ...
fill them with felted hearts, felt jelly beans or any of your favourite work.
A great idea for keeping your work dust free and safe from
pets and pests !

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What is felting?

"FELT" The Essential Macquarie Dictionary meaning:

"A non woven fabric of wool, fur or hair matted together by pressure"

Fibres can be manipulated with the use of soap, water, friction and heat variations ..........or the use of barbed needles to create many interesting, practical and wearable things.

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